Business name

140 avenue de la Liberté – 06220 Golfe-Juan, France
with a capital of 20 000 euros
SIRET (business ID): 37925181200010
NAF (industry classification) : Commerce de détail alimentaires spécialisés divers (522P)


Phone: 04 92 60 22 00 

Publishing director:

Guillaume Gillet, director

Web host:

OVH dedicated server, by ComDZ
2, rue Kellerman
59100 – Roubaix – France

Creation and development

ComDZ agency
Adress : 331, Avenue du Dr Julien Lefebvre – 06270 – Villeneuve Loubet – France
phone number 04 93 34 18 68

Photo credits

The visuals integrated into this website were provided by ComDZ. Some visual elements may
also come from Istock ‘s image bank and the company Nérolium.

Photo credits: Catherine Multari.

Cautionary statement

Information found on is purely indicative and not contractual. We
make every effort to provide correct and up-to-date information on this website and reserve
the right to correct its content at any given time without notice. Nérolium does not accept
any liability in the event of a mistake, misstatement or omission in this information.

Property right

This website and the distinct elements within are protected by industrial and
intellectual property rights. As a result, any depiction, copy or, in a more general
sense, any exploitation, by any means, of all or part of the website (its overall
structure, photos, information, icons, logos, visuals featured), without prior
written authorization by Nérolium is strictly prohibited. Information found within
the website is for private use only. Copying any document found on the website and use of such copies is authorized for personal and private
informational purposes only.